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Meeting Dates, Agendas and Minutes

On this page you can view meeting dates for the following committees

MeetingsEntitity IDCommitteesView meetings from previous years
Charter Trustees7Charter Trustees
Council sitting as Charity Trustees85Council sitting as Charity Trustees
Delegated Decision - Head of Finance72Delegated Decision - Head of Finance
Delegated Decision - Head of Health and Communities71Delegated Decision - Head of Health and Communities
Delegated Decision - Head of Law and Governance70Delegated Decision - Head of Law and Governance
Delegated Decision - Head of Neighbourhoods78Delegated Decision - Head of Neighbourhoods
Delegated Decision - Head of Planning and Regeneration69Delegated Decision - Head of Planning and Regeneration
Delegated Decision - Portfolio Holder for Corporate and Finance76Delegated Decision - Portfolio Holder for Corporate and Finance
Delegated Decision - Portfolio Holder for Environment and Leisure75Delegated Decision - Portfolio Holder for Environment and Leisure
Delegated Decision - Portfolio Holder for Housing10Delegated Decision - Portfolio Holder for Housing
Delegated Decision - Portfolio Holder for Regeneration and Growth12Delegated Decision - Portfolio Holder for Regeneration and Growth
Delegated Decision - Portfolio Holder for Safer Communities and Wellbeing74Delegated Decision - Portfolio Holder for Safer Communities and Wellbeing
Delegated Decision - Portfolio Holder for Wellbeing, Health and Safer Communities86Delegated Decision - Portfolio Holder for Wellbeing, Health and Safer Communities
Delegated Decision - Section 151 Officer82Delegated Decision - Section 151 Officer
Delegated Decision - Strategic Director77Delegated Decision - Strategic Director
Delegated Decision by Chief Executive Officer47Delegated Decision by Chief Executive Officer
Delegated Decision by Head of Housing33Delegated Decision by Head of Housing
Delegated Decision by Portfolio Holder for Safer Communities, Housing and Wellbeing83Delegated Decision by Portfolio Holder for Safer Communities, Housing and Wellbeing
Delegated Decision by the Head of People and Transformation80Delegated Decision by the Head of People and Transformation
Delegated Decision- Deputy Section 151 Officer79Delegated Decision- Deputy Section 151 Officer
Executive Decision - Executive Mayor15Executive Decision - Executive Mayor
Governance & Standards Committee84Governance & Standards Committee
Hearing Panel of the Standards Committee65Hearing Panel of the Standards Committee
Licensing Committee19Licensing Committee
Licensing Panel20Licensing Panel
Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Communities and Services)24Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Communities and Services)
Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Corporate Resources)26Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Corporate Resources)
Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Place)25Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Place)
Personnel Committee22Personnel Committee
Planning Applications Committee23Planning Applications Committee
Polling Places Review Sub-Committee39Polling Places Review Sub-Committee
Record of Officer Non-Key Decisions46Record of Officer Non-Key Decisions

No meetings found for this committee

View Scheduled Meetings for Cabinet

Charter Trustees
No meetings found for this committee

No meetings found for this committee

View Scheduled Meetings for Council

Council sitting as Charity Trustees
No meetings found for this committee

Delegated Decision - Head of Finance
No meetings found for this committee

Delegated Decision - Head of Health and Communities
No meetings found for this committee

Delegated Decision - Head of Law and Governance
No meetings found for this committee

Delegated Decision - Head of Neighbourhoods
No meetings found for this committee

Delegated Decision - Head of Planning and Regeneration
No meetings found for this committee

Delegated Decision - Portfolio Holder for Corporate and Finance
No meetings found for this committee

Delegated Decision - Portfolio Holder for Environment and Leisure
No meetings found for this committee

Delegated Decision - Portfolio Holder for Housing
No meetings found for this committee

Delegated Decision - Portfolio Holder for Regeneration and Growth
No meetings found for this committee

Delegated Decision - Portfolio Holder for Safer Communities and Wellbeing
No meetings found for this committee

Delegated Decision - Portfolio Holder for Wellbeing, Health and Safer Communities
No meetings found for this committee

Delegated Decision - Section 151 Officer
No meetings found for this committee

Delegated Decision - Strategic Director
No meetings found for this committee

Delegated Decision by Chief Executive Officer
No meetings found for this committee

Delegated Decision by Head of Housing
No meetings found for this committee

Delegated Decision by Portfolio Holder for Safer Communities, Housing and Wellbeing
No meetings found for this committee

Delegated Decision by the Head of People and Transformation
No meetings found for this committee

Delegated Decision- Deputy Section 151 Officer
No meetings found for this committee

Executive Decision - Executive Mayor
No meetings found for this committee

Governance & Standards Committee
No meetings found for this committee

View Scheduled Meetings for Governance & Standards Committee

Hearing Panel of the Standards Committee
No meetings found for this committee

Licensing Committee
No meetings found for this committee

View Scheduled Meetings for Licensing Committee

Licensing Panel
No meetings found for this committee

Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Communities and Services)
No meetings found for this committee

View Scheduled Meetings for Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Communities and Services)

Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Corporate Resources)
No meetings found for this committee

View Scheduled Meetings for Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Corporate Resources)

Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Place)
No meetings found for this committee

View Scheduled Meetings for Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Place)

Personnel Committee
No meetings found for this committee

Planning Applications Committee
No meetings found for this committee

View Scheduled Meetings for Planning Applications Committee

Polling Places Review Sub-Committee
No meetings found for this committee

Record of Officer Non-Key Decisions
No meetings found for this committee